+353 91 380058 info@actformeningitis.ie

You, your thoughts & you ACTions

Online Delivery of 8 Week Family Support Workshop
For six years, ACT have facilitated a successful group support workshop entitled “ You, Your thoughts and Your ACTions”. This is an eight week course, designed for and delivered to adults who were coping with the after effects of Meningitis. This support is open to parents of children who had Meningitis, people who had been bereaved by Meningitis and adult survivors of Meningitis.

Children who survive meningitis are often left with severe and life limiting side affects which impact both on the child and their family. Waiting lists for interventions from public services are often lengthy when the threshold for interventions is met, which can entrench behaviours and intensify difficulties, further limiting the potential of child.
Early intervention which can be frequently repeated in the comfort of the child’s home from the people they trust most, their parents,  will lead to best possible outcomes for the child.
Providing this training enables families to reduce stress levels, acquire new skills, integrate learning, regulate emotions, process experiences, but above all to return to family functioning which allows for the growth and development of each member in a supportive, empathic environment where differences are embraced and overcome to allow the whole family thrive, especially the child survivor of meningitis.

Contact emer@actformeningitis.ie for details or phone us at 091-380058